štvrtok, apríla 16, 2009

Nech žijú kinotelky!

Kino prestáva byť pre ľudí atraktívne ... ešteže prichádzajú výrobcovia domácich kín, aby ľuďom pripomínali výnimočnosť kinozážitku. Som netušil, že práve im budem ďakovať že udržia kino v povedomí. No a vďaka nim sa stále oplatí robiť perfekcionistické kinozážitky ... dávajú priestor kinozážitkárom ... nech len tlačia halušky do ľudí, že kino sa dá aj doma. Ľudia aj tak vedia, že kino sa dá doma len napodobniť. Tak dik za pripomínanie a vychovávanie kinodivákov ... ešte link k spomínanej kinotelkovej kampani

utorok, februára 17, 2009


SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo
"This is an experimental film made up of over 35,000 photographs. It combines an innovative mix of stop motion and live projection mapping techniques."

Yankee Gal

Yankee Gal from Yankee Team on Vimeo.

"Yankee Gal is a short film created by Antoine Perez, Céline Desrumaux, Francois Pons and Gary Levesque. It was made during our course at Supinfocom animation school in 2008. It took a whole year and a team of four people to make, and we can safely say it was one of the best experiences we have had."

"We now all work as freelancers in the animation field. Antoine and Céline specify in lighting and compositing, and continue working together as Directors. Francois works as a rigger and visual fx artist in London. Gary is an animator in Paris, and also works as a director together with classmate Clément soulmagnon.

The marvelous work on the music was achieved by Olivier Calmel, wich had no problem keeping up with Marylin Monroe and Nicolas Repac. Olivier is a full-time music composer in Paris."

Antoine Perez
Celine Desrumaux
Francois Pons
Gary Levesque